Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.

It will not lead you astray.



Tami Fairweather

I am a communications consultant, connector, project manager, and writer for organizations and individuals who lead with heart, putting humanity, culture, and nature first. My intuitive approach to communications and project management brings practical guidance, clarity, and efficient processes to make things come alive.

My 20+ year career in marketing, media relations, and events has spanned the travel, outdoor, arts, entertainment and nonprofit industries with one common theme: connection.

I currently serve the sustainable and adventure travel community globally as Director of Media Strategy + Relations for the Adventure Travel Trade Association. I am also the co-author of the Frommer’s Guide to New Orleans plus other freelance writing and project work.

Born and raised bi-coastally in Massachusetts and Washington State, my current home base is in New Orleans, where I hold great reverence for the culture bearers that make the city so special. I hold a BA with honors in commercial recreation with an emphasis in tourism.
